regulatory agency


1 شیمی:: سازمان تنظیم مقررات

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 صنایع غذایی:: اداره نظارتی

Lack of weight control checks at the packaging line may lead to large losses due to overfilling of the products or legal issues with the regulatory agencies for under filling or overfilling. There are food safety regulatory agencies almost in every country, such as United States, Europe, Japan, China, India, Latin America, The Middle East, Australia, India, some Eastern European countries, some Latin American countries and Africa that are involved in the safety of the food product made distributed. There are regulatory agencies in almost every developed and developing country in the world. Often frustrating and confusing for consumers in determining the appropriate regulatory agency to contact

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

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